Tick Tock: Bitcoin Halving Nears, InQubeta Launch Expected To Be A 10X Event For Early Presale Adopte
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Tick Tock: Bitcoin Halving Nears, InQubeta Launch Expected To Be A 10X Event For Early Presale Adopte

Jul 30, 2023

With the Bitcoin halving approaching, miners are eyeing next-generation mining rigs as their prices hit all-time lows, seeking to boost profitability.

Meanwhile, anticipation grows for the InQubeta launch, offering fractional investments in AI startups through the $QUBE token and NFTs. Early presale adopters are excited about potential 10X returns, transforming AI startup funding.

The price decline in mining rigs has been influenced by various factors, including bitcoin’s price volatility, increasing energy costs, and growing network difficulty, which collectively impact miners’ profitability. When miners make less money, the prices of mining rigs also decrease.

With the next Bitcoin halving on the horizon, miners are preparing for the inevitable reduction in block rewards, from the current 6.25 BTC per block to 3.125 BTC per block. This halving is an event that takes place approximately every four years to control the supply economics and maintain the scarcity of Bitcoin. However, it also presents a challenge to miners, as their mining costs are expected to nearly double overnight after the halving.

To cope with the reduced rewards and stay profitable, miners are seeking more efficient machines. The newer-generation mining rigs, with their improved energy efficiency and computing power, are becoming an attractive option for miners aiming to optimize costs and maintain profitability post-halving.

InQubeta, the world’s first crypto crowdfunding platform for AI startups, is poised to launch its platform with the $QUBE token. The platform will enable fractional investments in AI startups through NFTs, fostering a unique ecosystem that benefits both investors and startups.

The $QUBE token, a deflationary ERC20 token, holds immense potential for investors looking to diversify their portfolios. With a 2% tax on both buy and sell transactions going to a burn wallet, the token’s value is expected to increase over time. Additionally, a 5% tax on sells feeds into a dedicated reward pool, allowing investors to earn rewards through token staking.

As early adopters invest in AI startups through the InQubeta NFT marketplace, they may witness remarkable returns on their investment due to the platform’s creative approach and the potential growth of AI technology startups. By leveraging the power of blockchain and smart contracts, InQubeta offers a transparent, secure, and democratic investment ecosystem, empowering the growth and success of AI technology startups while providing investors with unique and valuable opportunities.

Furthermore, the governance system tied to the $QUBE token allows token holders to actively participate in decision-making processes related to the platform’s development and direction. This approach fosters an inclusive and collaborative environment, giving investors a say in the platform’s evolution.

As the Bitcoin halving nears, miners are turning to cost-efficient rigs to stay competitive. The upcoming InQubeta launch promises remarkable fractional investments in AI startups, drawing enthusiasm from early presale adopters for the potential for substantial returns and transformative funding solutions.

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